
As with any sport, we need to ensure that all participants can play in a safe environment. Since safeguarding’s introduction to clubs in recent times, it is now essential to develop the understanding of our Safeguarding Officers, and also that of every club member. This will be done by improving communication throughout the County and encouraging clubs (with funding available) to develop themselves.

The majority of this work will be undertaken by the County Safeguarding Officer with full support from the Development Officer and BCGBA.

  • To encourage every club to have their own Safeguarding Officer and remove the necessity for individuals to cover multiple clubs.
  • To assist clubs and volunteers with their DBS certification
  • To promote knowledge across the County through Safeguarding Courses
  • To ensure that Safeguarding Officers are fully equipped to undertake the role
  • To ensure that accurate records are kept at both club and County level

Every club must have a named Safeguarding Officer who holds a current DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) certificate. Failure to comply will result in an appropriate penalty. This BCGBA bye law came into effect from 1st March 2019.
Each county association will appoint a trained county safeguarding officer. The BCGBA has safeguarding policies and procedures and further information can be found at Safeguarding – Bowls Development Alliance

Safeguarding Courses
NL&FCBA along with the BCGBA National Safeguarding Officer will hold safeguarding courses for newly appointed club safeguarding officers. There will be a small fee to be paid to cover the cost of the course and for the DBS application.
Details of upcoming safeguarding courses can be obtained by contacting the County Safeguarding Officer, Sue Sinclair at

DBS Certificates
For existing club safeguarding officers, issued DBS certificates should not exceed three years old from date of issue. DBS certificates can be renewed free of charge by contacting the county safeguarding officer, Sue Sinclair at

For reporting any Safeguarding issues or further information , please contact the County Safeguarding Officer, Sue Sinclair on 07515288102 or email